I remember clearly that I was saved at nine as my father preached about hell.  I sat in my seat and saw a picture of yellow flames, then somehow found my self at the altar.  I really did not understand about the Christian walk until I was 11 years old. However, the infilling with  the Holy spirit at age 13 changed my life dramatically.  The  KEY passion of my life is to walk with God, to please Him and to bring others into this relationship.

I attribute my spiritual condition to the  influence of  my  mother who gave me to the Lord in the womb and prayed and sang over me  before birth, thus indelibly sealing me for the purposes of  the Lord.   I come from a close-knit family and my  siblings have also played  a  key role in supporting me in the work of the Lord over the years.

I function  in  results oriented ministry, allowing the Lord to use me in any way that He sees fit.  Numerous individuals have testified about the blessing this has brought to their lives.  I have been used by God to minister to the body of Christ and to nations and have functioned in the  prophetic, teaching, healing and deliverance, leading the body of Christ into worship, intercession to name a few.

I also blog at

Angels of the Lord

Free singing course

Online Promotions SVG

From Break Up To Makeup

How To Blog On Google Blogspot

12 Responses to “About”

  1. Kathy Burton Says:

    My husband of 6 yrs left me on 1/22/1013, he just moved back home, but within them 2 months he was gone he told me he got another woman pregnant, and that he don’t love me anymore, and he want to be with the other woman. I am heart broken, and very hurt. I have not done anything wrong in our marriage, I love my husband very much, please help me


    1. Kathy Burton Says:

      PS.S. I would love to have a deeper walk with God, I have submitted my life to Christ, and I ask what is it that he want me to do, because I surrender my all to him, I left my husband and my kids in his hand and at the mercy of his feet. please help me


      1. Greetings Kathy

        You are in a difficult place. I encourage you to lift your eyes to the One from whom your help comes (Psalm 121: 1). The Psalmist also said that He would run to the rock when his heart is overwhelmed.

        God sees and feels your tears. Human suffering comes because of sin and error, but He is the God of All comfort. I encourage you to use this time to weep and cry before the Lord. Draw close to His Promise that He will never leave nor forsake you.

        I have found it especially helpful to listen to the Word of God during times of frustration and stress. I can actually feel the tensions dissipating as I listen.

        Here is a link to a free online site where you can listen, receive strength and draw closer to your God

        I will be praying for you.



    2. Greetings Kathy

      I feel your pain. This is a very painful situation. Your husband has been uncaring, unsensitive and unfaithful. Your first response is to blame yourself. Release yourself from blame. He is responsible for his actions.

      You are tormented by the memories of your courtship and marriage, wondering how this could have happened. Like Adam, he made a choice and it has affected the innocent.

      Please forgive him. To forgive does not mean that you will not forget. It means that you will be free from the torment. Every time the thoughts come, say “I forgive you.” God will give you the grace that you need to deal with the situation.



    3. Jonathan Segujja Says:

      Hallo, Praise the Lord Our God!
      Ah to begin with, i am so sorry for you dear sister Karthy in Christ. And it touched to an extent i wanna see if i can share some advice by the grace of our Lord. It is true of how hard a situation you must be undergoing, but hold on to it. Cling to your faith in the Lord through continuous prayers, something will be revealed about your situation whether it is God’s will or not you have to go through this.
      Our God is love but he also a teacher. if it is his will, there must a lesson he wants to teach you. Pay close attention to him. Remember, he says there is no temptation from which he can not overcome you. If there mistakes you feel have been done, plead for his enduring mercies.
      And lastly as you do that, wait on your door in strong confidence that the Lord has heard you and he is also working on your situation. No sooner he will restore your prior joy and happiness. Mariam and Martha could not tell if their dead and now rotting brother Lazarus could rise again from the dead until Jesus let him die, so he could show them a rare side of what they didn’t know he can. God perhaps wants to show you his rare side about your marriage. Stay up, your a winner. Wish you all the best.

      Jonathan Segujja
      Email; jonathan.segujja@yahoo.com.


      1. Hello Jonathan

        Maybe you intended to post to Karthy? … Blessings, peace and angelic prosperity.



  2. Bishop Emmanuel Enumeru JP+ Says:

    Shalom to you! I apprecaite God almighty for your life and ministry, I have being so blessed by your website. I would like you join in prayer for out pouring of the Spirit of grace and truth upon my life for effective and effectual ministry. Also pray about your possibility of coming to Nigeria. Thanks! I Love You,Holy Jesus Keeps You. Keep On Pursuing Love It Never Fails.
    (address removed for privacy).


    1. Greetings Bishop Emmanuel,

      Thanks for writing and sharing the desire of your heart. I believe that the secret of power with God lies in relationship. Those who seek God will find Him. I encourage you to set time aside from busy things or activities to seek God. He will show you if you ask.

      Walking with God is a rich and wonderful experience. This is what Adam had before the fall and what Enoch,Noah, Abraham, Daniel, and other exceptional saints had. I wrote here http://bit.ly/Uhe1JW.

      I pray now in Jesus’ name:

      that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him

      the eyes of your understanding [fn] being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints

      and what [is] the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power

      which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated [Him] at His right hand in the heavenly [places

      far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come – Ephesians 1: 17 -21.

      I hear Father say He is well pleased with you and will give you the desires of your heart to be a great and mighty servant in His Kingdom, like Apostle Paul.

      I have had several requests to visit Africa and will do so when the Lord permits. I have been seriously considering holding free web conferences for personal contact with my brethren who need this. This is a free ministry.

      I will explore available options and give you feedback. Blessings, peace and angelic prosperity.

      Sincerely in Christ


  3. Evaangelist. Blessed Okukwana Says:

    iam very glad to fall into your site God Bless you in Jesus name.am asking that you pray for me that God will enable me reach people with the word of God with more fire of the holy spirit. believing that you will help me with more bible toenable my hearer to learn more.Also beliefe that YOU will be ready to visit us in NIGERIA, Iam Evangelist Blessed Okukwana. Thangs


  4. Shannon Says:

    God Bless you Prophetess. I always appreciate the testimony of those who actually had true godly biological parents b/c it seems so uncommon despite appearances. Its refreshing to read that someone was actually talking about the crucifixion of the flesh. We need more of it and with more depth. Thanks.


  5. Dear Servant of God
    I read into your exciting Ministry website and was greatly touched and ministered to as i read through your mission.God bless you greatly for obeying his voice to minister this kind of healing to the body of Christ.You are really a vessel the lord uses to touch lives in the world.The new foundation you have really laid in lives is great,strong and powerful, May God bless you for such big sacrifice.
    We are writing to thank you for such good work for Christ.We have never been ministered to the way your website did to us. Our lives have been transformed and new fires of evangelism lit in our hearts.
    Could you please pray with us a bout the possibility of coming to Kenya and minister the gospel to the lost in villages and markets and train pastors and church leaders for ministry . Kindly Read in our website
    http://newhopefellowshipchurch.weebly.com/ and you will discover what we do for Christ in Africa. Please if you have bibles bless us with them even if they are new or used.
    May God bless you
    Pastor Lucas and Jane obanda
    New Hope Fellowship Church
    p.o.box 1111 Mumias 50102-Kenya
    +254 735 658690


    1. Dear Pastor Obanda

      I published your comment and wrote a reply by email. I will be happy to help you in any way possible.


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