Father we come to you in the precious name of Jesus and bless your name. You Alone are the True and Living God and there is none beside you.  Let Your Kingdom come in the earth. It is your desire that we live in divine health and protection from the snares of the adversary. We pray now that the Earth  Citizens will experience that Divine Health and that we will drink from the River of Life which flows from your Throne, oh heavenly Father.

We pray now for provision of  HEALTH, healing and protection from the Ebola virus. We ask you now to send forth  Your Holy Angels to Ebola stricken nations of West Africa – bring LIFE, HEALTH and HEALING. We bind that filthy spirit of infirmity in everlasting chains and cast it back to the pits where it belongs.

Father, we forgive those who have sinned against us and will not continually harp on their errors. We ask now that you forgive us our sins.

We pray that you will deliver us from this evil plague and other ills in the planet. Do not allow the adversary to overcome the planet with death and destruction. We bind the spirit of death in the name of Jesus and command the plague to cease.

Father in the name of Jesus we lift up the blood stained banner of the cross and plead the blood of Jesus over these nations that are particularly affected by the Ebola virus. Thank you for deliverance now in the name of Jesus. You are more than able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ever ask or think, for the Kingdom, Power and Glory belong to you in Jesus name. Amen.

Thank you Father for hearing and answering in Jesus name. Amen.

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